
  • ~ C ~

  1. Calculator in C
  2. Example that uses pointers in C
  3. Hangman in C
  4. Command shell in C
  5. Flight Booking System/Server using fork() in C


  1. Depth-first search (DFS) algorithm
  2. A* search algorithm


  1. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) (input.txt, output.txt, points.c)

  • ~ C++ ~

  1. Structs in C++
  2. Structs to Classes in C++
  3. School’s Grades Management (using classes)
  4. System which handles orders of products in C++

  • ~ Digital Signal/Image Processing in MATLAB ~

  1. Average Filter (AverageFilter.m, demo_AverageFilter.m, lena.jpg)
  2. Median Filter (MedianFilter.m, demo_MedianFilter.m, lena.jpg)
  3. Gradient of an Image (ImageGradient.mdemo_ImageGradient.m, lena.jpg)
  4. Laplacian of an Image (ImageLaplacian.m, demo_ImageLaplacian.m, lena.jpg)
  5. Convolution of 1D & 2D (1D-Conv, 2D-Conv2, lena.jpg)
  6. FFT2 and IFFT2 transformations (Example1, Example2, Example3, lena.jpg)

  • ~ Pattern Recognition in MATLAB ~

  1. k-NN Algorithm
  2. Other (using normal distribution)

  • ~ Java ~

  1. Insert & Delete elements from matrix and calculate the max and the mean

  • ~ Python~

  1. 4 years of using Python/Cython, Matlab, C, C++ during my Ph.D. studies (10/2011-09/2015). Unfortunately, the written code has copyrights from the University of Strasbourg, France and cannot be freely shared.
  2. 3 years of using Python as a ML Freelance and working in CERTH as a R&D Task Leader.
  3. Currently involved (since 23/04/2018-nowadays) in Coursera’s 5-courses “Deep Learning Specialization”.
  4. Keras (Deep Neural Networks, VGG model, in Python): VGG-E

  • ~ Parallel Programming, OpenMP, MPI ~

  1. Semaphores (calculate π = 3,14159… with multiple processes [fork()], shared memory & semaphores)
  2. Threads (calculate π = 3,14159… with multiple threads [pthread.h]
  3. OpenMP (calculate Matrix Multiplication by parallelizing the 1st loop, the 2nd loop, or the 3rd loop, or both the 1st & 2nd loop.
  4. MPI (calculate π = 3,14159… with Monte Carlo & MPI)


~ Copyrights reserved by Gkamas Theodosios since 2003-nowadays. ~